My Blog

Just a Baby

Just a Baby

One of the most painful lessons I’ve learned since becoming a farmer is that life ends. The worst endings are the unexpected. It may seem strange to hear that a person who raises Angus cattle for beef would mourn the loss of an animal, but I have. Some deaths, though...

Enough Celebrating Already!

Enough Celebrating Already!

I’ve had enough. No more parties, gatherings, celebrations, or other food coma-inducing activities for me for a while, please. The next invitation I receive is going to get a no, nada, not interested. “Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.” I’m not a...



I'm grateful to take part in a writers critique group with some talented artists. eMarie is one of my favorites and her new book [i]A Snowflake's Adventure[/i] is adorable. She was kind enough to share her blog with me to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow....

New to the Herd

New to the Herd

They look so innocent and peaceful, munching away on hay or on the grass in the fields. Don’t let them fool you, though. Cows are mean. Some people will excuse them and say they are just animals. True, animals aren’t humans, but the way they treat each other has given...

Just Want to be Close

Just Want to be Close

Ricky and Lucy are our four-legged family members. We adopted both as adults. Ricky is a malamute husky, and Lucy is more of a Siberian husky. I tease them both all the time, calling them my “Bad Doggies.” They aren’t terrible per se, just naughty sometimes. But...



One of my favorite things about living on a farm is the animal babies. Who doesn’t love to see the first wobbly steps of a newborn? With pastures full of cows, we have a fair share of new calves each year. Birthing season is starting again soon, and we’re excited to...

Penny Zeller Interview

Penny Zeller Interview

[b]I see that you have a combination of fiction and non-fiction books in your repertoire. Which do you find easier or more rewarding to write? [/b] Hello Angela, thank you so much for allowing me to be your guest. I am thrilled to be here. As for which I find easier...

Starbucks Anyone?

Starbucks Anyone?

Have you ever done something that stupefied you? I do this on a fairly regular basis, and I’ve got a whopper to share with you today. My husband was in the hospital recently for a planned procedure. I stayed into the evening with him, ran home to take care of dogs and...

It’s Good for You

It’s Good for You

Life is an adventure! No, I really mean that. My life has been an exciting journey and hopefully, I’m only about halfway through it. Though, don’t think for a minute that I’m going to tell you my age. You’ll have to guess if the curiosity is just too much. Fortunately...

Your Best Weapon

Your Best Weapon

Pew, pew, pew. The sound of holes being shot through ideas, processes, procedures, and plans is common in my workday. It’s become an insider joke to make the sound when vetting ideas. At first, the sound drove me nuts, but these days, it’s music to my ears. A few...